Java vs. C#


interface IControl
    void Paint();
interface ITextBox extends IControl
    void SetText(String text);
interface IListBox extends IControl
    void SetItems(String[] items);
interface IComboBox extends ITextBox, IListBox {}

class Control {...} interface IControl { void Paint(); } interface IDataBound { void Bind(Binder b); } public class EditBox extends Control implements IControl, IDataBound { public void Paint() {...} public void Bind(Binder b) {...} }
interface modifiers(outer interface) public default(no modifier)
access interface members interface ICloneable { Object Clone(); } interface IComparable { int CompareTo(Object other); } class ListEntry implements ICloneable, IComparable { public Object Clone() {...} public int CompareTo(Object other) {...} }
public interface ITeller { void Next (); } public interface IIterator { void Next (); } public class Clark implements ITeller, IIterator { void ITeller.Next () {//error } void IIterator.Next () {//error } } (lack of flexibility and easy to be conflicted) code one: void Next() {}//ok

interface IControl
    void Paint();
interface ITextBox: IControl
    void SetText(string text);
interface IListBox: IControl
    void SetItems(string[] items);
interface IComboBox: ITextBox, IListBox {}

class Control {...} interface IControl { void Paint(); } interface IDataBound { void Bind(Binder b); } public class EditBox: Control, IControl, IDataBound { public void Paint() {...} public void Bind(Binder b) {...} }
interface modifiers new public protected internal private
access interface members interface ICloneable { object Clone(); } interface IComparable { int CompareTo(object other); } class ListEntry: ICloneable, IComparable { object ICloneable.Clone() {...} int IComparable.CompareTo(object other) {...} }
public interface ITeller { void Next (); } public interface IIterator { void Next (); } public class Clark : ITeller, IIterator { void ITeller.Next () { } void IIterator.Next () { } } Clark clark = new Clark (); ((ITeller)clark).Next();